It's Ramadhan!! Alhamdulillah we're here yet again. It's day 14 of puasa already. I'm on my menses (worth noting I got it 20 minutes before berbuka yesterday) so I'm on a weeks break. But otherwise, it has been going well. It was great that the first day of Ramadhan fell on a Sunday so it was a good start for everyone - to be able to have a day of just rest and getting used to fasting again. I think the one thing about fasting is that you wake up for sahur and that tends to make sleeping difficult. I often get super super sleepy in the office because I don't get great sleep after sahur. When I mean great sleep, I mean longer than an hour or two. Haha. So in the past couple of days, I've actually skipped sahur. I'd wake up to drink and solat and then sleep again. I've also found that eating SO much for sahur doesn't really affect how late you'd be hungry again. I ate roti canai and a whole plate of rice one morning only to be hungry by 11am.
I've been having a good mix of berbuka in and out. Here are some of my really really sedap dinners I've had.
I'm soooo excited for Raya this year! We finally get to beraya with our families insyaAllah. And in Penang too!! I'm so stoked. It's been so long and most importantly, it's been so much longer for our grandparents who have had to spend it alone these past 2 years.
Spoilt for choices for baju raya this year but I made mine months ago so I don't think I'll be buying anything anymore. But the Raya collections this year have been pretty impressive! You have to appreciate how creative designers have to go about creating something along the silhouette of the traditional kurung/kebaya.
So excited to see what everyone will wear this year. Macam MET Gala pun ada gak rasanya. Refreshing Instagram after lunch to see what people have been doing/wearing/eating. Always so fun.
Ooh! I also recently went on a trip to Kuantan with Marissa. Our first trip out since our 2014 Amsterdam/Berlin one. It was so so so fun and just something both of us needed. I loved every second. Can't wait to blog about it and show you some photos! I haven't been on a beach holiday in eons so it was so wonderful to be reunited with the sand and sea.
Selamat Berpuasa everyone! At the risk of sounding like a broken record, my sincere hope is that everyone gets some clarity and a lot of light this Ramadhan that continues throughout this whole year. Make lots of doa and do a lot of good this year. InsyaAllah, prayers answered soon for everyone.
"Whatever is prayed for at the time of breaking the fast is granted and never refused"
-Nabi Muhammad SAW
Be good!!