Got a rude awakening from Tania at 1030 ? Because Mama said we're going to Pavilion at 11, so i bathe anyway. But then Mama wasn't sure what time we'll go, so I took advantage and got back to sleeping. Tania called and I got dressed. MAN OH MAN, every Pavilion trip we take, the traffic is maddening. Last minute Raya shopping's at Jalan TAR pretty much congested the traffic. We got there, and walked straight to Cotton On, agak banyak orang. And HAHA got excited sebab 'Buy 2 For R60'. Agak la Ila, Cotton On Body bestt jugak :')
Oh ha, met Ila and Sha there. I must state here though, eye candy kat situ (y) (y). Hahahahehe. Aimi jom ah, aku tahu kau suka. Lepas Raya, we shall make a rombongan trip to Pavilion with our duit raya, ok everybodeh ? Ok !
Tania and I watched Hannah Montana the movie last night on my laptop. Twas quite funny and I admit, my hatred towards Miley have possibly lessen. Lucas Till is absolute love, that smile of his perghhhhh.
Zara had this pretty pretty beret, but it was in the window display, it had scattered studs on it. Couldn't find it anyway in the store, however. Takkan bukan Zara punya kan ? It has to be theirs, nanti karang la cari kat OU. Tak tahu kenapa but luar Topshop, banyak gila guys, like seriously, it was as if they were queueing up for something tapi tak jugak, they were just outside, tak masuk pulak ? -_- Kata tunggu girlfriend masing masing ? So weird. I didn't even enter because well, hehe, dah beli banyak dekat Cotton On and so whatever. Topshop can wait, lek lek, OU pun ada kan. TAPI ! I was so tempted to just buy something because Topshop ada plastic bag baru hahahahaha, lawa gila k, compared to the previous bare one. Sekarang dah macam ada pattern black and white, it's quite cool looking, I have to say. Tapi yeah, why the sudden madness for Topshop ?
I'm skipping school next week because I'll be going back to Penang a week earlier. Aw yeay yeay fun fun. I can't wait, though I doubt any internet access because Mak Tok and Pak Tok live old school, but I can just go to Queensbay for their Starbucks so there's no 'OMG I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT ZE INTERNET, OMG DIE DIE DIE'
-_- It's just Facebook and Twitter, people. Oh ha I got this tee from Cotton On 'OMG WTF' and Tania got the 'OMG LOL' one. Hahahaha, best. But I doubt any more shopping for the whole of raya but that's okay, dapat duit raya.
Tapi Ila, college fund bagekmana ? :( Spend or save, John ?
Hoho tunggu la duit raya. I freakin can't wait for Raya, it's nice to hear raya songs now, suka gila. Buat la open house banyak banyak, one thing I love about raya besides makan makan duit raya is meeting up friends and to see them pakai baju raya ! Unknown fact for Malay guys : We, girls, think it's the cutest when you dress up with the whole songkok and sampin. For me, it's heart melting. I'm not kidding.