I Am Me Once More

- Will be going to Beyonce, tickets have been confirmed ! x
- I want to have a fringe again. I'm getting so annoyed with my hair. Shall go for a trim this weekend.
- So far so good, duit raya untouched ! It's with my mum and I shall leave it there to resist all temptations to buy something. Besides, you'd have the urge to buy something you don't really like but want it anyway for the sake of buying something just cause you have the money. + There's nothing I have my eyes on yet so I'm all good.
- Zee Avi's I'm Me Once More sedap k !
- I've had this craving for Tokyo G since lama gila dah. Damn :(
- Demi Lovato, first Disney star who actually is good at singing. Very very good, in fact. Lagu Every Time You lie best gilaaaaaaaaaa
- I love Moschino SS '10. I love Moschino, fullstop.
- Oh my god, finals.
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