Hi !
I just got back from my trip to OU alone. Yep. And I thoroughly enjoyed it because I had nothing to layan and talk to. Alone time is usually my favourite time. Managed to get some things though my whole purpose was to get me some decent pair of denim but of course, I sidetracked and got 2 blouses instead. Was very tempted to blow my money for an Economics book but figured I'd save that later for when Mum tags along. WHICH SHE SHOULD because I usually find great things when my mum isn't around and when money is scarce. But when she's there, it just so happens nothing is nice and I'm stuck dumbfounded.
Ok why am I writing
- Went all the way to Bangsar to get my pavlova only to find it all gone. How depressing. So I settled for a brownie instead, nasib sedap jugak.
- I'm listening to a Spanish song. Wai. Because it's good and I want to hafal lyrics so that I feel like a Spanish girl. Wai.
- I finally have my yearbook for my senior year in high school. FINALLY ! And the memories come rushing back. I had a pretty good one :)
- I am on the hunt for i) Olive green pants ii) Light purple button up top iii) New black strappy wedges iv) A new handbag
- My birthday is in a month, more or less, and I've already been pestering my mum about the things I want come January 19th. Heh heh heh
- I should seriously get studying ! This weekend, I promise !
- Been trying to blog as much so that it'll compensate for my busy 2nd semester. Not that anybody reads.....
xxxxx See ya babies in another post. Or at OU, whichever comes first