So I'm finally home from my week of holiday.
We went to France!! On Monday, we took the early cab out to the Bristol airport for our flight to Nice, France. I was beaming with excitement but I was very sleepy so it might have not been portrayed as such. Nevertheless, I was stoked!
We reached the airport and we got some breakfast while we waited for the others from London to arrive. Guys, they're not kidding. The French croissants and the pastries were crazy amazing. They be cray! So soft and so tasty, it's almost unreal because how cliché is it to say the French pastries were sedap??? But they were. I could easily live on croissants all day all night long.
So after meeting up with the London travelers (aka Fatin, Maryam, Sarah, Tariq and Paan), we headed to our hotel. We walked what seemed ages along the beach promenade. Which was beautiful and the weather was so sunny so although I was complaining on how far we had to walk, I was taking it all in! MasyaAllah, gorgeous!
We were in the city first to have late lunch and we had kebabs. But it was really sedap so ok fine it might have not been very French but it was very 'student' hahaha. They had this really tasty sauce and all the while, the girls and I were trying to figure out what sauce it was.
The city was small and it was very reminiscent of a lot smaller Oxford Street. The buildings were so colourful and bold and so cheery. A nice change from ol' gloomy UK. It was salmon pink walls with turqoise wooden doors. Some say gaudy, some say bold chic. I say bold chic. It was so gorgeous and so quirky! From the mosaic floors, to the rather peculiar lights (I don't know how to explain them without showing a photo... which I don't have at the moment), the city was so cool. It had all sorts of greenery along the street, making it look more and more like spring time! And the weather was so good, with slight wind and lots of sun! I've been Vitamin D deficient, y'see... so yes, I appreciate the sun.
(the caricaturist asked if he could draw Tariq because he liked his hair lolzzzz)
We walked all the way up the Colline du Chateau for the view of the seaside promenade and the small houses on top of the hills. WHAT A SIGHT. Leaves you breathless (literally... it was a very high climb and from someone who is nowhere near athletic, it was a long stretch. But worth every step!)
We climbed further up (I was panting by then) and we stopped almost every 2 minutes to take more photos because it was like the further you went up, the more of Nice you could see. BEAUTIFUL VIEW.
Sunset. Was. Stunning. I really can go on and on over how beautiful Nice was during sunset. Loooook lah oh my god my heart. So picturesque. It's so calming also that after this photo, I put my camera down for a bit and just let the view sink in. Nice is so underrated compared to Paris and I think everyone should go visit Nice first because the city is so untouched and raw that it makes it so much more French. Nice was beautiful, too beautiful for words.
We ended the day by walking to a local gelato place. It was like a mamak with their plastic tables and chairs outside for people to lepak. But not with maggi goreng or teh ais. It was with gelato. All kinds of gelato! I had 2 scoops of mango and passionfruit and yum yum yummmmmm it was so good!!!!! Eeek, probably the best I've had. It was so nice to unwind and borak and lepak over good ice-cream with everyone. We played our usual teka-teki and that was good fun seeing everyone scratch their heads over teka-teki's.
Such a gorgeous first day for me.
And it was about to get better.