Tadi (as in technically Sunday sebab sekarang 3 am on a Monday) pergi OU. BOSAN GILA, probably because sebab tengah mengantuk gila. Gatal sangat nak jugak pergi OU -.- But I bought some raya cards and a Little Miss bra hahahaha (Y) lawa k !
Ok tu je, told you, OU bosan.. masa puasa. Hot damn, teringin gila babi Tokyo G ! Damn ah. Nak puasa 6 lagi lepas Raya tapi confirm malas by then but I got 13 days to ganti.
Going to Penang at 9 so for them who's reading this HI HOW WAS SCHOOL ? Hahaha. Tak pack langsung, I hate packing/unpacking. Dahla 2 weeks worth of clothes, dayumn.
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