Hi everyone!
It's been a little over a month since I last updated. I've been pretty swamped with work these past few weeks. Actually... ever since getting back into office after the MCO break. I sleep pretty early these days because I pretty much kong out once I've showered and eaten. It's 10:30pm on a Friday night and I'm looking forward to having some rest this weekend. This week has been particularly busy for all of us at the office; I haven't had lunch with my colleagues in so long! Because we're always out for meetings at different times so it's been a bit since we've had lunch together.
Anyway! Hope everyone's doing great. Trust some of y'all are already back in the office. Some are still privileged to work from home but let's be honest, everyone's out and about now. I work by One Utama and lunch hour just looks like how it was pre-covid - packed! Things are slowly picking up pace and cases have been low which I've been pretty pleased with! But I just read today that Sarawak is going through their second wave now. Eep. Hope it gets contained quickly.
Am looking through my iCloud for photos because honestly I don't remember what I've done the past month. Forgot that I've not even blogged about Raya. So here goes!
Our first time ever celebrating in KL and it honestly was quite fun! We Zoomed the family in Penang and the ones here in KL. Poor Pak Tok and Mak Tok, they don't quite get the whole concept of it but I hope they enjoyed what little Raya they can get. It'll be Raya Haji in a few weeks and insyaAllah we will be traveling to Penang to celebrate with them so I hope that makes up for us not being there for Eid!
This was when Marissa had Tariq and I over at her house and we went over to Fatin's place to surprise her! First time I met friends since MCO so I was vvv excited. Had a great day!
Sorry, was a bit naughty and had some friends over for makan makan. We sanitised.
Ok maybe it wasn't hiking. More like a trail. But I enjoyed it regardless! Have always wanted to go to Taman Tugu Negara so when Q and Anis invited the group to go, I was immediately in. Woke up pretty early and got ready to go all the way to KL for a morning walk with my friends. It was fun! I enjoyed it thoroughly. I also enjoyed the two roti canai's I had after that.
Posting this reminded me how much I enjoyed that morning so I've just asked in the group chat for when our next physical activity will be.
I love my colleagues. We just get along so well so they're mostly why I still like going to work. If it weren't for them and their daily crazies, I don't know how I'd go through week in and week out. We had a fun night out the other boy. We had Japanese barbeque dinner and moved to Souled Out for some late night drinks. They close at 12am so we weren't out too late methinks though we definitely tried to stay as late as we could (like... they switched off the lights and we were still there talking and gossiping). Love them so much!! I'm so blessed to have them with me!
This was for Mun Theng's birthday! It was on a Monday and the seniors had a management meeting that occupied them the whole day. So we quietly celebrated outside with a cake. Mun Theng is such a sweet, sweet soul and we all love her.
Putri has a knack for making pizzas and she's always posting about them but we (friends) never got to try them! So for her birthday this year, she had some friends over for a small, intimate pizza party. And her pizzas were SO good. I even managed to help make one! Honestly so, so, so sedap I loved eating every bit of it. She had truffle mushrooms which were my personal favourite.
We were supposed to play board games but never really got there. We managed a few rounds of Taboo but got back to eating pizza's hahaha
Probably the biggest thing that happened over the month; my brother has a fiancee! Whatttttt.
He's engaged to the loveliest and sweetest dear Hanis. They've been dating for quite some time so we were expecting them to get married anytime soon. He told me first in the car on the way to work "I'm getting married to Hanis insyaAllah in the next year or so". I love my brother and I love how he loves Hanis and has been so nice to her. We also love Hanis and can't wait to officially welcome her to the family.
Za'im also turned a year older the week after they were engaged! During lunch, there was this kid running around playing who was so similar to Za'im at that age! Same head shape, same curly hair, same cheekiness and even wore the same-ish clothes Za'im would wear as a kid! And to see him now at 26, getting married to the love of his life soon! Life breezes through, man.
I'm so excited for this! My friends and I got down to it and planned a vacation! Unfortunately the virus robbed the people of their mid year holidays so we had to hold it off for a bit. We got to talking just not too long ago and we've been pretty efficient with the planning and managed to get accommodation and flights all booked! The best part about it all is how serious we really are with this trip; even having meetings and doing presentation decks! So funny!!!
The *one* thing I'm known for is this quote in a Garnet video on kebudayaan.
Ok I think that's pretty much all that's happened over the past month! I don't really have any plans this weekend other than a coffee session with my girls on Sunday. I want to get a pedicure done but I'm pretty sure everywhere's booked. Last week I spent half the day getting my hair done. My first time getting highlights and getting it bleached! I was really hesitant at first but I really wanted lighter highlights so I just bit the bullet and did it. I'm happy with the result and I don't really feel the damage of the bleach to my hair. I just ordered Olaplex online because I'm trying to have this hair colour for as long as I can ('cause it was so expensive!!!) so I'm getting the best shampoo and conditioner in the market haha.
Ok night! Watching an episode of HIMYM (I'm on a re-binge) and going to bed.
Talk soon!
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