Hello! I'm back! I hate seeing myself slipping away from my blog so before it gets too long, I'm going to do a quick post of my trip to London very recently.
Yes, I was in London! I was told I was going to make a trip back to England about a month ago because we (as in the company I work for) were going to participate in Pure London. Pure London's basically a trade show where all emerging brands exhibit their products for buyers and stylists and anyone who wants to know who's who and what's new. And that's us. We're new.
So Shera and I were asked to go and I was honestly very very reluctant to make the trip because if you should know, I'm very, very, VERY bad at traveling. I hate the whole process of it - from packing, to the airport, to the actual flight, to the immigration line, to picking out my bag from the carousel, to the fuss of transport from airport to accommodation - I just really dislike it all. But this was London... and I really love London. I was conflicted but that soon changed because right after passing immigration, I found myself smiling from ear to ear like a fool because I was so excited. Excitement only started creeping in then when it finally all hit me that I was back in the country that I had missed so much! Of course I had trouble finding my taxi driver at the airport and the running up and down to find him cost me an extra £10 was not the best start to the trip, I actually had a very, very fulfilling stay in London.
I worked from Sunday til Tuesday and my whole takeaway from the work aspect of the trip is that we're such a small brand compared to everyone that came to show. I won't say they were major, major brands but they were definitely a lot more... grand. I think I definitely underestimated the whole trade show. It was a real learning experience for me because I got to see how people sell their things and how they present themselves as a brand. I got to talk to a lot of people who were attracted to our booth - from buyers to stylists to students. It was nice to speak to people who have absolutely no clue on the brand - and the cool reaction you get when you say we're from Malaysia. It was a tiring few days because we were there from 9:30 - 6 for the first 2 days and we got off at 4 on the last day. We might go back for the Spring/Summer show but we'll see what Lady Boss has to say haha. I really did learn a lot about meeting buyers and stylists and talking about the brand as best I could. I hope I was a decent representation of the brand and of Malaysia in general. We still had someone say "Wow you speak really good English" mid-conversation so I guess we managed to change that lady's perception on Malaysians?
But London was so welcoming, with it's blistering cold and intermittent rain and harsh wind. I say this with love though. I missed the cold, for a second there I forgot how it was like to dress warmly and how dry your skin gets and how it's absolutely of no use to do your hair because the wind will mess it up for you the second you leave the house. But I loved it - reminds me of my student days so although I was complaining about it, I'd like to think I braved it quite well.
I got to eat all really good food from a Korean rice bowl place in Soho to Khans in Bayswater. Met friends and my cousin who came down to London for me and I had just a really good time walking around a familiar place. I would have definitely, definitely made a trip to Bristol if I had a bit more time in London but I'll take what I can get.
Photo time!
I don't really shop in Selfridges but it's very pretty I've got to say.
Wanted to cry being back in my favourite Topshop. I don't shop in Topshop at all in KL because prices are ludicrous but I'll always make it a point to get something from the Oxford Circus flagship store because well... it's the flagship store. I love it, it's my favourite in the world.
One of the best things about London is that you'll never not have a place to eat - there's always something to discover. I went to this restaurant on a whim as I was searching on Korean food to eat in London. The food was okay but I was definitely more taken on the whole experience of finding a new place to eat and being kinda adventurous in that sense.
Didn't eat here but thought it was purdy.
Sighhhhh I forgot how good Five Guys was. My cheeseburger was a double patty so we couldn't finish it but sUCH a good meal - I managed to pull in a few people to have Five Guys when I posted this on my Stories hehe
My all time favourite crisps - can't think of anything that comes close. Maybe it's a good thing they're not in KL yet because that'll be a pretty shit diet.
This was probably my favourite meal. Cryin now.
This was also sooooo good. Met up with Aqie, Ariff and Julian (who was so kind to even make a groupchat 'Dinner with Nadia', he's really vvvvv sweet) and we had Japanese for dinner at Dozo in Soho. I had the unagi don and I think there isn't any other that beats this one.
Moved on to desserts at BobaJam and we had a mango patbingsu with the rather interesting add-on's of cereal and the popping whatever it's called. Really sedap. Why ice in the cold winter? Idk but it was really sedap. I highly recommend!
So I was damn full from lunch with my cousin that I didn't even eat a burger at GBK which was my favourite burger joint when I was in Bristol. But I had to get myself some skinny fries and as usual, I over-salted them and so I couldn't finish it. Man, what I'd do to bring back the Hei Hei Salt....
Also had Khans!!!!!!!!!!! I stayed over at Hanna's so Khans was only just a 2 minute walk away but man, this place never gets old. Such a Malaysian cliché to go Khans for dinner but if the food's good, who cares about the clichés, right????
If I were to go London and forego all other spending and only buy this pair of Proenza Schouler shoes, I'd be perfectly content.
The lights at night at Carnaby Street.
The cool mirrors at Monki.
A random magazine store in Soho. I'd get a few if they weren't like a kilogram each.
I missed getting on public transport in the UK. I love the MRT's here but nothing's as efficient as the one there.
I didn't know Arket had already opened! It's a brand under H&M and it's very... COS-ish.
The Lunar special flower arrangements at Liberty's. Sooooo beautiful - pink and red/orange are my favourite colour combination ever.
Met a Korean couple in Covent Garden who were dressed in the same colour scheme and I thought there was something so endlessly cool about it.
At The Deciem in Covent Garden to get my The Ordinary fix.
Can you tell I'm really, really in to polka dots nowadays.
What's a trip to London without my FAVOURITE CHOCOLATE ORANGE COOKIE FROM BEN'S???
Have you watched Nike's ad on their London campaign? They're about to release their #LDNR tee and I'm so stoked because I really want to get it! I actually went to Nike Town to ask and the lady said, "You're about the 50th person today to ask me that" hahah but she said there has been a delay in distribution so they haven't gotten it in-stores yet. Bummer - was really hoping to get one when I was there. But watch the ad anyway, it was really cool.
On our last day of the trade show! Those jeans were such a nightmare - they kept slipping down because I was wearing my heat tech under it so my jeans got really slippery. Not the most flattering image of having to do the mini pull-up-your-jeans jig.
At Flat Iron for lunch with Myra.
With my £3 umbrella from Primark. It's just much of a staple in your handbag as your Oyster card methinks.
My beautiful cousin, Myra and I. She studies in Kent now and the sweetheart came down to London for a day trip to have lunch with me. We shopped for a bit and bought matching sunnies. Wot a qt - always love seeing family xxx
With the ever cute and ever wide-eyed Aqie. She actually also managed to request for a day off from work to attend a dUck event hahaha qt
I look so tiny next to Ariff! So happy I got to see him!! Can't wait to reunite in KL over coffee and tea.
Soooo bummed I forgot to snap a photo with Julian!!! Sorry Jules, if you're reading, I still really love you and appreciate that you planned the whole thing for lil' ol' me.
And last but not least, one with Hanna (didn't manage to say bye nor take a photo with Hanan). I stayed with her throughout and I'm sooo happy I did because she and Hanan were so lovely and so gracious to host me throughout my whole trip. Loved how we got right into gossiping as soon as we were done with our Good Morning's! And I really loved that we properly got to catch up with one another the past week because can't think of anyone else to do that with. Love you lots, dear Hanna!!!! Can't wait to see you and Hanan again in KL! Both of them are in their final year so they've been busy with classes and assignments so staying over their place made me feel like a student again! Not that I was studying with them or anything but I felt like I was in London for a short break before going back to Bristol. Love you two!!! Thanks for having me, girls!!!
OH I ALSO GOT TO SEE SNOW FOR THE FIRST TIME????? It was very short-lived and it didn't settle or anything like that. We were halfway into dinner when Shera pointed out it was snowing outside and you damn right I stopped and went outside to take a video to send to my family (they didn't reply because they've all seen snow.....).
I loved, loved, loved my whole trip. I graduated in the summer of 2016 and I really didn't expect to be back in England so soon. In fact, I was just telling a friend that we should all plan to go again in 3-5 years. Regardless I'm so happy I got to go because there's just something about London for me. Maybe it was all the solo trips I would take from Bristol to London in my years of studying there. Maybe it was the Christmas holidays where my friends and I would all bunk in a flat together to play board games and have sleepovers and cook ramai ramai. Maybe it was the cold that reminded me of my walks to classes in the rude winter or the birthdays we'd spend together. Maybe it was because I met so many new friends and grew closer to my old friends throughout my journey there. It was our first ever experience abroad without any parents and to have friends scattered all over the country was so unexplainably fun. It was wonderful to be back and it brought back the BEST memories of being a degree student. Like I said, I would've LOVED to have gone to Bristol for a day because I think I would've proper cried from the overwhelming emotions of being back in what essentially was my home as a young adult but being in London was good enough. My heart was so full and I was so blissfully happy to be back in the place that started it all.
Ending the post with a quote I came across while watching The Crown (I'm still not over it) which I then later found out to be a small excerpt from Shakespeare's Richard II.
"This happy breed of men, this little world, this blessed plot, this realm, this earth, this England"
(Excuse all typo's, grammatical errors and odd sentence structures - it's half past 2 in the morn and I'm tired)
Miss you already, Nadia ♡