Sunday, January 19, 2020

I'm 27!

(Posted on the 25th of January but have dated this to be on the 19th just because)

I'm 27, guys!! 

My birthday was almost a week ago now and no, I did not go hiking.
But I did have a bunch of my close girlfriends over for a small-ish dinner party! I find that I have a love-hate relationship with hosting parties. It's the unspoken pressure that gets you, really. I was pretty much stressed about it in the 2 days leading to it. I've been pretty swamped at work that I didn't get to do much preparation for it. Atleast not as much as I did last year. Maybe it was because I knew I wasn't going to invite too many people. It was a conscious decision to have a birthday party of just girls. I had boys over last time and they were fun but I figured I'd try something new! I loved every part of it. Thank you to everyone who came, love you all very much!

My family and I went out for a quick brunch out before the prep for the party began. We went to Blonde and I had a cute birthday cake for it. Missed Iman though! She had an exam the next day so wasn't home for the birthday weekend. 

I had a pretty great day and night and WOW I AM 27 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!

I think I've grown a lot in the past year. I've come to appreciate so much more and to be more smart with how I work and how I live everyday. To not be so stressed with the little things and that everything that happens, it happens for a damn good reason. I came across something that I absolutely loved and it really put things into perspective for me. It's about rezeki.

"The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you, from the moment it grew from the tree, it went though all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours"

So that's how I'm taking things this year! Whatever is meant to be, is meant to be. You work for it and you do all you can but at the end of the day, it's up to Him to gift it to you or not. And regardless of what happens, it's always for the greater good. Whether you know it or not. And when you have that in you, you kinda go through life more bravely and more confidently and you're more trusting of yourself. Atleast that's how I feel. 

Thank you to everyone who's made an impact in my life. For all 27 years of it. For better or for worst, it was meant to be. It's shaped me and moulded my values and has resulted into the lady I've grown to be. All the experiences and moments in my life that has led to this point in time. I'm all the more grateful for it.

Thank you, love you.


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