Throwback Thursday!
Was looking through my Facebook photos and most of my albums are from when I was still in college.
KY still remains to play a huge part in my life as I've gained most of my close friends from that place and I've made amazing memories there and will possibly remain with me for the rest of my life.
It's been heavily upgraded since we left and it's looking a lot more like a private snooty rich college than it was before. I still would prefer the old layout to the one now. And I've heard some of the teachers have left and it's a shame because they were all pretty amazing and I still remember all of mine whom I loved so much especially.
I ***think*** current senior batch would be Batch 17, right? I'm from Batch 14 so I really have no idea who new students are but I hope that they have great days and great nights there just like I did.
Here are some photos (very selekeh ones at that!) of my time there.
One of the first events that we had when we first entered KY was the annual Raya celebration. The celebration was held along the corridor just outside of the dining hall. Best thing about events in KY was that everyone just came out and celebrated regardless of what the occasion was. I loved how everyone just got really comfortable with each other so quickly. Also, look how skinny Olan and I were!
This was the Lantern Festival held shortly after the Raya celebration. I remember we all had our own lanterns and mine burnt. Like, it caught fire and I had to extinguish by stepping on it. Ok, I lie. I think I grabbed the closest guy to me and had him extinguish it for me. We were supposed to go around the college but mine failed not even a minute out. But look at how beautifully coloured these lanterns were!!
Did you really think I participated in the Mini Olympics? Come to think of it I don't know why I even went to the effort to get new sports shoes when I wasn't even going to be anywhere near active (throughout the whole damn 2 years I was there). But it was fun because everyone was out on the field and supported one another. I loved how KY students were always almost out every evening without fail. The boys would play rugby and football and then some would be in the MPH (multi-purpose hall) to play badminton, ping pong and to the gym.
Me? Well, you can almost always 99% of the time find me in my room, sprawled over my bed taking a nap.
I had 3 outfit changes for Diwali Night. I wore my red Punjabi suit for a dance (I still cringe about it but it was super super SUPER fun) and I matched perfectly with my dancing partner, Hakim! The beautiful lehenga (purple and blue) is actually Diyana's and I borrowed for IDK what reason??? She had two outfits so she was kind enough to let me borrow one hehe. And then I switched to my beige saree that I had from one of the Pandu Puteri dinners I had during high school. I still very much love it.

What is a KY event without first bombarding photos of others. I think this was meant to just be a photo of Amiera and Adam. But then a few of us joined...
Boria was one of my favourite times of KY. The boys practiced almost every evening and some of the girls helped in preparing the costumes and the props and it was just really fun, not just for the boys, but for the whole house. We won for the video competition and best boria and overall Rumah Citra Budaya (totally had to refer to my old blog post for this). Made the occasion that much sweeter.
Our first house trip! We went to Johor. Alllll the way to Johor. I remember the trip being incredibly long hahaha but I had fun regardless. We went on a small little island which was spectacular. I can't remember the name of it but I remembered how clear and how blue the water was. The water even had a gradient of blue and turqoise, can you imagine??
This was KY's birthday celebration. I think it had a Wild, Wild West theme. Can you see the effort I went into my outfit???
I wished I had put more effort in dressing up for the events because it would've been more fun!
This was a farewell dinner for our Garnet seniors. Except for a very few, I wasn't as close to my seniors as my juniors are with me. But the very few that we were close to, I loved very much!
This was the End of Semester dinner and the seniors' last event in KY. Garnet won the House Cup which was preeeeeetty gratifying. I remember being so excited about and jumped up and about with the others.
How cute was that everyone came together and donned the baju melayu??? I'm not biased but when I see other races wear baju melayu, you can almost see hearts beaming out off my eyes. I think it's such a handsome outfit!
This was Bangsawan night. Arguably the biggest competition in KY. It's basically a malay play that every house puts on for a group of judges from Istana Budaya. I don't know how it got so big but all 4 houses put their 110% in for Bangsawan. It's a very impressive production seeing how everything from script to costumes were all handled by students who I'm pretty sure before this had no experience of doing such a thing!
We won Bangsawan that year.
This was our college birthday in our senior year. The theme was 'British Affair' and nothing really british about our outfits hahaha!
Our last Garnet event. I totally cried. This all happened in our last few weeks in college and the juniors did such a good job with the farewell dinner; it was held in the Saad Square and it was really prettily lit and all. I was emotional that whole week so knowing that this was our last Garnet event really did make me tear up!!

Graduation Day.
I was a wreck! I kept tearing up throughout. And one of the admin (or as we fondly would call her, 'Umbridge') told me off so many times because my outfit was see through and kept telling me to go back and change. To what???? I still severely dislike her.
But graduation was great. I think right after, we packed our bags and left for home. And I remember crying and when I was reading some of the tweets, everyone was so sad about it also. I was so emotional even after a week! I am very dangerous when I'm emotionally attached to something haha!
I'd gladly drive all the way to Tanjung Malim for my Garden Seafood fix. Honestly, one of the best places to eat a hearty meal and I'm not just saying that because it was just near and convenient for KY kids. It's honestly very very sedap! Highly recommended. Kirim salam to the Chinese boss who always had his grey hair in a braid. He has a soft spot for KY kids. Hahah
This was my room for the 2 years I was in KY. It was a sauna. It was facing the sun so it would get really really hot and warm and there were times when I had to move to Kaveetha's room for my nap. Only in the last few months did I decide to stick newspapers on my window. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier; it instantly made my room cooler and more comfortable. #collegehack
Our favourite spot in the whole of college was probably the cafe. We'd meet for about 20 minutes during our morning break and quickly eat our nasi lemak and then rush over to our next class. And then come back here after class ended to have a drink before going off to do sports and all that.
Other than just events, I had so many memories from my daily routine - going from class to class and memorising what block's next (we went through a number system ; so Block 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I can still remember what block was for what!) and contemplating whether to have lunch at the dining hall or cafe. Cafe had the variety of dishes but dining hall had the rowdiness. And I had some pretty fun teachers; Mr Conquest, Ms Dalene and Ms Sabiha remains to be one of my favourite teachers ever. I hope they're doing well wherever they are in the world now!
I miss it all! Would choose to do it all over again in a heartbeat.
So glad I persuaded my parents to send me to KY. Couldn't imagine what it'd be like without all the friends I've made there.
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ReplyDeleteOk, this might sound reaaaaaaally weird. but i actually teared up reading this post. I mean, this is only your KY memories. I think if you added in your TTDI stuff i would probably need a bucket for my tears. I have known you since youre fourteen and i myself can tell that you've grown into a beautiful young lady, Nadia. So happy with everything you've achieved!! xx
Zura you are so sweet!!! I miss TTDI loads too, haven't seen nor hung out with them in what seems like infinity. Need to reconnect once I'm home for good this year!!
ReplyDeleteAnd you are just as emotional as I am!! I always cry at the randomest things also!! Hope you're doing great in the States, darling! Take care of yourself and thanks for reading my blog!! xxxxxxx