Suraya, we love you immensely. Today will be the last day we'll see you (and makan nasi yang sedap sangat courtesy of Sushi Groove, tempat hangout terbaru kita). Of course, we'll miss you so much. More than you can imagine. Even if it's just for 2 weeks (PROMISE YOU BALIK!), it won't be the same, you know. Your laugh yang tukar every week, and your charm will be greatly remembered. As much as we don't want you to go, letting you pass up this opportunity is not a question. Pergi la, jadi pandai pandai, buat baik so boleh pergi London :'(
Thank you for everything ; hearing me out, making us laugh and bearing with the dramas.
We've known each other for about a year only and tak sehebat as other friendships yang kenal dari kecik but we might as well be because I love you just as much, if not more.
You make everyone around you feel comfortable and so that's why you're so loved, Suraya.
Make millions of friends, but don't forget the 5 of us.
[ You should thank your lucky stars that your asrama is just here and not in another state, kalau tak, pergh, habis you ]
I love you. We love you.
Lots Of Love and Hugs and Kisses,
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