Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sports Carnivalé

... and with a Topaz win over Garnet in the Female Basketball, Sports Carnival 2012 is over.

I don't mean to be a Hallmark card but I can still remember my first SC here last yea with my seniors. I love supporting and cheering on for my Garnet team as much as I can.

I especially love the basketball games !! Diamond and Sapphire boys are astounding in their gameplay and passes and scoring. So much class ! Diamond basketball team has always been the champions around here so it's no surprise they've emerged as the big winners. So proud of them !!!!

ALSO ! SO proud of our Garnet teams ! Basketball, badminton, squash, football, rugby, tennis, everything !!!!!! WELL DONE.

I still am unclear as to who won what but I'm just so mad proud of everyone who participated and put all their efforts to win for Garnet. Just so much love for my Garnetrons. The bestest around !

The basketball team that I'm proud proud proud momma of !!! Especially proud for my chaletmate, Kaveetha for her 2 baskets for the first game and ONLY THE BEST EVER LAST SECOND SHOT for the 2nd game against Topaz. Literally, the Topazians were already shouting 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. when Kaveetha managed to get in a point for Garnet. PROUD !!!!!!!!!

But I think the best part of it all was when everyone came together to support and cheer for Garnet and it makes my heart just so happy and I'm just ugh the proudest of everyone !!!!

SO SO SO SO SAD that this is the last sports carnival for 14.0. Can't believe it's already the third semester for us. I'm going to go cry to sleep now.

Ok, exaggerating.

Night everyone ! Have a splendid weekend !

(More photos, all 4 courtesy of Shaza!)


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