My face is moisturised (I've put on enough layers of product to know it's moisturised), I have a K-Ballad playlist on Shuffle on my Spotify and I'm trying to keep myself awake because I need to fetch Iman from work at 11.
I had a great day today. I watched Beauty and the Beast and I had Japanese food. Oh yeah, I'm into Japanese food now. I used to really dislike it but I'm starting to warm up to it now. It's... aight. But you know what was amazing?
Beauty and the Beast.
Siiiiiiiigh. That movie is enchanting and beautiful and all I hoped it would be. I LOVED that it stayed VERY true to the original - from the costumes, the songs, the depiction of characters, the set. I would think they would have strayed away from the 1991 classic (totally Googled that) because isn't that what directors and producers do nowadays? I love love love the animation and so I was just brought back to my childhood when I was watching the film - the scenes looked and felt ridiculously similar and I was just so in awe of the whole thing. Starstruck. I'm in love with this movie.
Also, there should be another lengthy discussion on Emma Watson. That beauty is just out of this world. She was stunning throughout the whole movie, couldn't stop staring at her and she's just about the PERFECT Belle you can ever imagine. I was wondering how she'd fare if she had taken up the La La Land role but I can't imagine anyone else playing Belle so good on you, Emma Watson!!! UGH! Hate that you're so perfect!!!!
So after watching this movie, I went on a crazy Google search for all upcoming Disney movie remakes and I'm pretty excited for the next few years to come. I am reliving my childhood and was there any better time than your childhood? No, there wasn't, don't fight me on this!! I can't wait for the nearest one, Mary Poppins! It's up there with some of my all-time favourite films ever made so I'm really looking forward to it. Plus, I'm a huge fan of Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep so this is going to be spectacular methinks.
Work tomorrow! I've planned my outfit and I'm hoping to get in early so I can leave early because Monday traffic is a mothertru-
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