Anyway, hi. I've been spending my days cooped up in my room, attempting a go at studying. It's not bad (maybe cause baru chapter yang first first hahaha).
I can't wait for SPM to be over but it's only April and I actually want SPM to be lama lagi because I still have a million and one things to study for. But, people ! How awesome possum would it be to not wake up at 6 every freaking morning !! :') And I can be able to go out on weekdays again ! Hahahaha. And of course there's driving. But I'm having a crisis (?). Should I or shouldn't I start learning how to drive ? I want to start because I can't wait to get behind the wheel. But I don't want to because i) I'm actually quite terrified with the idea that I'm going to drive around a machine and big cars scare me ii) It'll mean I'd have to sacrifice my studying time to study for driving kan ? And all those classes and I should be more concerned about tuition classes and school as opposed to going for the bengkel and whatnot kan ? And my dad doesn't seem to be fond of the idea of me driving just yet. So it's a bit of a waste if I do go for classes now sebab bukannya boleh drive pun kalau dapat license kan. HO HUM.
I LOVED PMR like actually liking the times I studied and the times I would go to the library to study. Which is odd. So I'm praying my mojo to study returns. Because God forbid I fail my SPM. I'm actually quite desperate to get A's now. Desperate kalahkan Teri Hatcher on Desperate Housewives. Ha ha, laugh, people, laugh !!
K bodohnya k bye
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