Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Just came back from Nirwana Maju, Bangsar. LOVE that place. I'm eating way too much rice. This afternoon, I ate like, 3 plates of rice. And then rice again at night. I LOVE ME SOME RICE !

For fun, I'm going to list things I'm obsessed with at the moment

1. Andrew Garfield Andrew Garfield Andrew Garfield Andrew Garfield

2. Glee's rendition of Bills, Bills, Bills and When I Get You Alone. Both sung by Darren Criss a.k.a. Blaine a.k.a. Kurt's CUTE gay friend from Dalton Academy

3. Topshop make-up. Yep. Biased kut sebab it's cheaper than any other make-up line (ahem Mac, BOBBI BROWN). In order for me to buy it, I have been making frequent trips to KLCC with the help of Hafiz hahaha. I have so far, 3 lipsticks, a blusher, a skin tint, 4 eye crayons, 6 nail polishes, face wipes, 3 eye kohls and an eyeshadow. The girls working there are lovely !! One of them is my age and is going to Australia to study architecture. LOL borak summore ~

4. Twitter. Well, d'uh. It doesn't help when I have it on my Blackberry.

5. Nail polishes. I have dark blue now on my nails courtesy of Topshop's 'Voltage'. Ordered O.P.I's My Private Jet and Tickle My France-y. Hopefully my mum's friend overseas can help me out in bringing the American Apparel polishes. I. LOVE. THEM.

6. Youtube. Seriously, that's the first thing I do now. Even before Facebook......

7. My Kiehl's moisturizer. Paid big bucks on that and so worth it.

8. The colour lilac. SRSLY.

9. Andrew Garfield Andrew Garfield Andrew Garfield !! So much so that I actually dreamt of him. I was showering and he was outside (I don't know why nor do I care) and he handed me a towel when I was done showering. HNNNGGGGGUMFFFFFF I LOVE HIM

Ok end of blog post. I will now grant you people a picture of Andrew.

He IS Californian based but he moved to England when he was 4 so he has that English accent I'm so in love with. Doesn't technically make him British but let's just pretend he is.

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