was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat :D
i mean, she performed live really well.
so, ok.
let's skip the first part of the day.
it has drama in it ;o
we (Najihah, Aimi and I) went to Curve at about 6.45 and when we reached there, we met Aishah and Dhabitah, Ashley and Nikster.
After that, we went to Secret Recipe to grab a bite as Najihah was hungry -.-
Ate cakes and we saw Kaveetha, JeiSee and Karen.
Gave Kavee and Jei See their tickets and we were off.
We went there and went in the gate about 7.30.
Took a couple of pictures before it started and like, tried to get a good place to stand.
We opted for the one on Colbie's left.
Anyway, it rained like by 8.30 ish.
Heavily too.
So, Najihah, Aimi and I rushed in to Cineleisure to buy an umbrella.
Needless to say, hair was ruined la ofcourse.
After buying from Watsons (I got myself a pink one), we went back in to Colbie's.
And even then, tak start lagi -_-'
i got pissed dah.
haha, cause she kept us in the rain, like idiots.
hahahaha, but takpe, true fan, meh.
i think she started by 9.
she was awesome.
very pretty in real life.
she was wearing a yellow top with black tights and killer shoes.
met audrey too.
she was wet and had a yellow rain coat on top of her.
VERY fashionable, bbe (:
so, first the band came up (consisting only 2 guitarist and a guy who was like a drummer tapi tak cause he only ketuk the speaker which had a mike in it and that ringy instrument, i totally forgot it's name la kan) and Audrey was like, Ohmygod! The guitarist is hot ;O
there was this one song she sang, and the guitarist on her right joined in to sing.
he was really really good.
anyone who knws tht song, tell me again.
i think it was Battle but i'm not so sure.
so, it ended, and Najihah, Aimi, and I lined up for autograph session. So did JeiSee and Lyds.
Lined up and Najihah and Aimi went to the toilet.
When they came back, i was already like in the middle where i was in the gate area where no one can like masuk and cut line (sorry, bahasa OUT).
so they missed out la.
Sorry (;
Soooo, we (Jei See and I) got her autograph.
Suffice to say, but like, she was a bit quiet.
Like, i actually said to her, 'Hiii ! I'm like a huge fan of yours!'
and all she did was smile.
i'm like, ooookay, Miss Too Popular For Her Fans.
but whatever, i still love her <333333333
Then, we had to go back.
My feet was killing me and when i was in the car on the way home, i had no energy left in my body.
god knows how loud i was screaming, 'COLBIE, WE LOVE YOUUUUU!'
Najihah and i talked til 2 in the morning over this SOMETHING.
I'm dying to tell it all but it's a bit personal.
But i'll only tell this to Rachael, and AshleyMashley cause i trust them.
I've already told Karen, so we're good (:
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