So ! Today, decided to be adventurous a bit ah and drove to Pavilion !!! Achievement ah because I haven't driven to KL yet. Whooh. Let's all celebrate of my HUGE accomplishment hahaha. Next trip! To KLCC we agogo. So it was just Tania and I after I picked her up from school. Had lunch at my favourite place evah - La Bodega. Missed eating their tapas. You're missin' out if you haven't tried La Bodega. Do I sound like an advert yet ?
After lunch, we made our way to H&M and it's so big and nice ! Quite surprised with the quality and design of clothes there though. I've had the impression from a lot of people that it's pretty subpar and plain. So was quite impressed. Managed to get myself a sweater cardigan with crazy cool prints and pink pants and earring. I LOVE IT UGH can't get over it. I love coming out of a store buying something I really really really really love. Don't mind not buying anything at all because if I only feel like it's "Pretty but..." then I won't buy it. Mama taught me well...
... and also she would kill me kalau tak pakai nanti.
(Dear Mama, let's please go to H&M again although we're trying to be thrifty now but just let's) (also can you reimburse?) (Thanks, love you xx)
So the other day, Aiman Farhan tweeted me asking if I've watched the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. I don't usually like to watch weekly episodes for Grey's; I prefer watching them 10 episodes at one go so it's not as frustrating after every episode when you're like "WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE WEEK FOR THE NEXT EPISODE WHY !!!". I only watch weekly episode of Suits because... well, its Suits. How can I not get my weekly dosage of some Spector+Ross lovin' ?
After watching the Grey's Anatomy episode (which was btw, amazing and so sad but that's as much as I'll go, wouldn't want to spoil it for you guys) (but if you don't know what I'm talking about then I suggest you run to your local DVD store and get hold of the whole damn series because I'm tellin' ya if there's anything I love more than the colour pink, it's Grey's freaking Anatomy), I told Mama about it and she pun streamed it and she came down to the study room and actually sat down and we kinda discussed about the episode in depth. Until she saw her collection of books.
"Eh so nice lah books all stacked up like that!"
"Mum, it's been here dah lama gila dah only now you notice ?!"
"Eh but so nice!! Wait let me go get my books from upstairs"
in which she did. She then went on to recommend me some books.
"Look I have 2 of the same book and didn't even realise it"
Parents went to visit my uncle in the hospital so I was given duty to feed my sisters ! Had the car and some cash so we went to Publika (half the reason was for Wondermilk and the other half was 'cause ada valet service cause God knows I can't park for nuts). Had the best ever baked potato Malaysia has ever seen. So sedap mang, can eat it for life. I love bringing my sisters out for dinner/lunch/whatever because it makes me feel like an adult and I always want to bring them out now that I drive.
Had a Skype session yesterday with Diy, Puchee, Olan and Tariq til 4am. Even sempat skyped with Afif in Sheffield !!!! Laughs all 'round albeit sleepy eyes.
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