My chaletmate, Sheema, has left KYUEM to pursue other interests and has opted for foundation instead of A-Levels :"""""""(
Monday was her last day as she cleaned out her room. It was emotional for me and Kaveetha, Diyana because it's so sad to have a your dear friend who has lived with you for the past year to leave. Sheema is like the best you can ask for lah. She's always ALWAYS willing to help us out in whatever way possible from lending us her nail polish remover to calling the matron for me when I was sick in bed :( She's my go-to girl, she has everything ! Pernah pinjam moisturizer, nail polish, brush, semua nya lah! And she sometimes even offers to throw out my trash. WHO ELSE DOES THAT ?!?!
Love the girl and I'm so going to miss her being in the room next to mine :""""( The chalet has gotten a lot quieter now that she's not here. Hwaaaaaaaa :"(
Promised to not cry but when Kaveetha hugged her, she teared up and so did Diyana and I. Sheema didn't cry though because I think she knew that if she started, we would be on the ground bawling ! So happy she got assigned to L30 because I can't think of anyone better than her to add to the Taman Tun chalet ...
... although I'm convinced she's half ninja.
Thanks for being the best, Sheems, lovey love you :")
From our first end of semester dinner...
... to Sheema's last day in KY.
Miss you, Sheems.
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