Sunday, January 25, 2009


I turned 16 officially last Monday but I celebrated it today with friends.
Turned out great (lacking of enthusiasm due to tired feet, eyes and body).

My dad bought me a MacBook [I'M USING IT RIGHT NOW ! TOTAL HAPPINESS] just now!
The sense of ownership is a huge thrill. The thought of not sharing with anyone is thumbs up as well ! :) 

The rain at about 7 dampen (literally) my spirits. The worst rain in this whole week ! To add insult to injury, there were lightning. But Mother Nature was kind enough to turn it around. The rain was 20 minutes (I COUNTED!) and we had to do the tables all over again, total tiresome.

Izzati, Amy and Arina were the first to come. I directed them to the other house because house number one was still in dire need of reconstruction post-rain.
[Myra and Tania helped alot so big huge kissy kissy thanks to them <3]

Received presents, always a delight though far from admitting the truth.
I'm really tired now and like I mentioned earlier, I'm not that good in describing events.

I have pictures so I'll upload them when it's not 2 in the morning. Like it is now.

Received presents ; LOVE THEM TO BITS AND PIECES !!!! Tapi kena tanya balik la siapa bagi apa because I dah tak tahu siapa, hahaha

Thank you so much for coming Najihah, Ila, Suraya, Karen, Nikki, Kaveetha, Marc, Johann, Aidit, Sanju, Marwan, Amy, Izzati, Arina, Yusrina, Aimi, Diyana, Athirah, Kai Wen, Ashraf, Syakir, and Khidhir ! Mucho love, people !

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