Look ! Lollipops !
Uber cool, I want one but Cola flavoured (Y)
How's your day ? Mine was okay.
And damn it, it shouldn't be just okay, it should be something I'd be over the moon about.
I know I hate Miley with all my guts because of the too much popularity the world shoves in her but her new song The Climb sedap pulak.
Izzati, so just so you know, after seeing you (and your pretty eyeliner!) at Ila's 16th, I can't wait to get my forever-wanting-new-things hands on them. Sampai boleh pergi check it up at bobbibrowncosmetics.com lagi tu.
Topshop's getting boring. *cue exasperated yawns
Zara too and don't even let Forever 21 escape your mouth. All of them are getting overrated.
I want something new. Something I know easily that the next girl won't possess.
I always debate with myself whenever I ask for a trip to Telawi Street because I end up empty handed (AFTER GOING UP AND DOWN THE KAJILLION STAIRS) and using my money for a drink at Starbucks. Which I don't even favour.
Hell, I'm already broke as it is so fantasizing in anything to do with purchasing anything isn't on my to do list just yet. Understanding additional mathematics, however, is. It frustrates me when I don't get the jumbling of numbers on the board but what frustrates me even more is that I don't even try to understand. Apa kejadah?
Don't get me started with Physics.
Ok, tomorrow is a new day.
Should be a better one, right?
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