I'm back.
- Went to Penang on Thursday because Raya Haji was on the next day.
- Ate a lot. Nasi lunch and dinner k, wtf calories.
- Went to Hard Rock Hotel on Sunday. BEST GILA BABIIIIII. We got the Lagoon room which was so cool because dia kat ground floor so if we go out on the balcony, terus pool. Cool gila lah k please. Pagi pagi tak yah mandi, terus lompat pool dari bilik. Didn't go to the beach as often sebab panas macam gila. But some of them did go for Parasailing, there were 8 of us (excluding Amelia and Mia) so we went on the banana boat. Best gila babi lah, I was at the back sekali, scary shit. Tapi best gila ! Screamed all the way, I laughed like crazy sebab Tania was being so paranoid and scared and at one point when the boat stopped for a bit, she said "Ok, life check. Everyone still alive?" Was holding on to Mikhail for dear life. Crazy hilarious.
- The hotel had The Beatles everywhere. They had statues and everything. I was expecting more Elvis tapi takde. They even had Jimi Hendrix's autograph framed outside of my room. And they had all the old records and the usual costumes hung.
- Siap ada Teens Club so ada lah foosball, snooker, Wii, and the internet. Best sangat, nak pergi lagi, tak puas duduk sekejap.
- In conclusion, that was the best hotel experience I've had :')
- Had a trip back to memory lane and flipped through the million plus one pictures of us when we were small. Myra and I had the most photographs, one of the perks of being the first child. I brought some back with me to be framed. Photographs that make you smile = favourite.
Ok, hi.
Mama freaked because she claimed to have gained weight so she is adamant to enroll in a gym. But then again, my mum is notoriously known for procrastinating. I shall insist on going because I got flabs hidden, man. Burn baby burn !
My so called studying plan failed miserably. Was supposed to study Biology but after a page and a half, I gave up. Kata nak straight A's ? Ntahpape.
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