Iman's birthday is today and she turns 13 ! She came back from school bearing a big smile and it's all because she got this huge 'card' I guess you can call it, and it was all made by her friends and that made her day immensely ! So happy to see my favourite girl happy on her happy day. Heh heh.

HAPPPYYYYYY BIRTHDAYYY IMAN !!! :* I wish I had a baby photo of you but I can't seem to find any just yet. Why must you grow up so fast. Teenagehood is a vicious one but here I'm wishing you a happy one and may this new part of your life be a memorable one and may you experience nothing but happiness and success and may you undergo everything and anything that is thrown your way with grace and poise (even if you are 'kasaq' as Mama would put it) and may you make Mama and Papa proud and may Allah bless you always and forever. You can't escape the reality that you will always be Mama and Papa's baby and you're still my baby sister and yeap, I'll still call you ManMan even when you're old and married. I loved you then as a baby, I love you now and I'll love you in the future. More so every day, sayang ! Stay the way you are and never let anyone get to you. You are a strong girl in every way possible and may this be your shield to help you brave the years to come. It's not going to be easy but you know I'll always be here for you.
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