IT IS ALSO ASHLEY'S BIRTHDAY TODAAAAAAAAAAY !! Happy Birthday, dear friend :') I wish you nothing but the best and I hope you have great fun tonight when you belt out cheesy songs with everybody (which I doubt because Kaveetha and Nikki will be hogging the mike anyway). You deserve to enjoy tonight and let everyone appreciate you today, please ! Don't be humble sangat, it's YOUR night. God bless a girl like you and cheers to many more years of friendship :') Love you a million plus one xx
And btw, I had your birthday as a reminder on my phone and it woke me up at 8. PSH. Nasib baik I already wish :') Hahahaha. Maybe I should get you a Robert Pattinson book so that it will open your heart and say that he is indeed a handsome lad. HAHAHA !
Went to OU after Zuhur prayers. Met up with the girls at Cotton On but Dina misplaced her purse so we had to go up to GSC but they went ahead and I went to the toilet (not after buying a Chupa Chup lollipop haha). BAD HAIR DAY sialll. So tak terurus, mampus lah. Went to Forever 21 and after several rounds and Yus' 3 dresses, we (especially me) were starving so original suggestion was TGIF but macam jauh sangat so we settled on Ms Read. The 5 of us opted for Italian and had 4 plates of pasta. I skipped dinner from the night before and breakfast so hungry was an understatement hence me stuffing myself with my usual favourite Spicy Seafood Spaghetti. The rest ordered 2 plates of carbonara and a plate of bolognese. After downing one plate of carbonara, they moved on to bolognese but sikit je lah sebab lagi suka carbonara and Sarah packed home her carbonara. Asal detailed sangat ni ? Hahaha. Left the place short after and went to Zara. TEMPTING but so expensive, I only go there when cash is sufficient and when Mum's around. Went back to Forever 21 and tried on a couple of things. Bought something that I've been wanting since a couple days back and a pang of guilt hit me because I was down to my spare dollars. Went to the New York Deli and settled on fries and Sarah's.. ? I don't know what that was. The one with the foam.
ANDDDDDDDD took pictures, end of story.
PENAT k bye.
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