A spoiler for Agama.
When Ustazah (my class teacher for 2 years) handed me my result, she looked disappointed and my heart just fell off my chest. But I didn't get it. I could see all A's. Was this just a joke ? Usually teacher's do that to you.
But than of course, the last subject was Agama and there sat my B.
I had a mix of emotions. I was ecstatic that I managed to get A's for Science (ESPECIALLY!), Sejarah and Geography. Over the moon ecstatic because I was more than sure to get less than that.
But at the same time, I was so crushed. B for Agamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?!?!?!?!?!
So that was why Ustazah seemed upset. She kept apologising to me afterward claiming it was partially her fault which I don't understand at all. She's been nothing but fantastic these past 2 years. Will miss her dearly.
Of course I cried. Cried so much and hugged my friends. I was so proud of them, regardless, because of how they've accomplished so much and worked so hard (seeeeee, Belinda and Brenda, told you dpt straight A's!).
In a way, amongst all my friends, I felt left out because of not getting those 8A's.
My good friends all achieved them. And I didn't. You know how that feels ? You can't join them and jump/skip joyously. OK FINE, JEALOUS NAK MATI.
But like I said, other than that one atom of jealousy (chyeah right!), I am entirely proud of them. So proud, I can cry (': (drama gila) Also, am so very grateful to them for everything they've tirelessly taught me (Especially Belinda for sitting behind me and tried to not get annoyed because I selalu pusing kerusi to you and ask for help in Geo, Maths and everything else).
When my mum came, she smiled so broad, it could reach her ears, I swear. She then pulled me for a hug and in a way, I was surprised. I'd thought she'd be all, 'Ah, it's ok. There's still SPM!'.
But she was proud of the 7 I got and she called everyone telling so. Embarrassing but in her words, 'Why waste away good news? You did fantastic!'.
I love her (':
My biggest thanks (tahu mcm receiving award HAHA) is to Pak Tok who called international to wish me a congratulations. Of course la kan, that just made my voice all choked up.
All in all, er.. I'm good.
I'm trying to cheer myself up.
Will tell you how that goes.
Ciao Bella,
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