Benci sial Leighton, she wears everything right. I want a black blazer like hers, I don't want the 'boyfriend' one because that'll just make me look weird considering my height.
School today was alright. English was fun, we played numerous games hahaha. Sakit perut gelak, our 'poem' was funny thanks to Hafiz Rahim for the last 2 syllables ('Thank You'). The boys went on and on teasing Dina with the new guy in which later on, the guys revealed how they don't like him -___- ejek ejek jugak, John. 12 people didn't attend school and it's either they're sick or skipped. Wishing everyone good health, though :) A lot of people are sick and the haze is not helping so yeah, take care.
And I looooove 'She Was Mine' by AJ Rafael and Jesse Barrera :') I got this from Sha's myspace and I, being already a big fan of AJ Rafael, fell in love. Such sweet, humble lyrics.
"And I know it's sounds so stupid to be waiting this long,
But I'm still in love and I know I'm not wrong,
Cause in my eyes, she was mine"
Beyonce is going to Singapore for the F1 Rocks and I seriously want to go :/ I miss Singapore.
Braces ni annoying la, the wire kat belakang tu macam panjang SIKIT gila but it's poking my flesh dahla TAJAM. Geram gila, all I'm praying for now is that no ulcer occurs because that'll be just a bitch.
I'll edit this later. I feel like there's so many more to be updated tapi tak ingat sebab I feel so guilty now for not studying but I'm so lazy, ohmagah.
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